Our Shabbat Home

Simple, Slow, and Sustainable Shabbat Living

It’s so good to see you.

Welcome to Our Shabbat Home, a place where the gentle rhythm of a simple life unfurls like petals in the warmth of God's embrace. Guided by the Torah, you’re invited to embark on a journey to rediscover the peaceful, harmonious way of living that God intended from the very beginning. Just as the Garden of Eden was a place of perfect communion with our Creator, our homes can reflect that sacred space—filled with peace, rest, and a deep connection with God through His Son, Yeshua. Together, we can sow the seeds of a life where every moment brings us closer to returning to the Garden, walking once again with our Creator.

challah bread in basket

Recent Posts

Enrich your family's spiritual journey with my upcoming digital courses, designed to bring the beauty and meaning of God's Biblical holidays into your home. These courses offer step-by-step guidance on celebrating these holy days together as a family, making each one special and memorable. The goal is to teach these meaningful traditions to your children, ensuring they become a cherished part of your family's heritage and continue to pass them down through generations.

From planting seeds for Tu B'Shvat and embracing freedom at Passover, to spending a night under the sukkah to lighting the Hanukkah candles as Yeshua did, you'll discover creative ways to honor these sacred moments with God. Perfect for families who want to deepen their connection to God and each other, these courses will help you create lasting memories and a vibrant spiritual legacy in your home.

Stay tuned for the launch and start preparing to celebrate God's appointed times with joy and purpose!

Online Courses Coming Soon