What is Tu B’shvat?

Tu B’Shvat, the 15th day of the Hebrew month of Shevat, is known as the "New Year for Trees." It is one of the four Rosh Hashanahs (New Years) mentioned in Jewish tradition and serves as an important agricultural and spiritual marker.

Originally, Tu B’Shvat was used to determine the age of trees for tithing purposes, as commanded in the Torah. Over time, it became a day to reflect on the connection between the Jewish people, the land of Israel, and God’s ongoing provision through nature.

The name "Tu B’Shvat" derives from the Hebrew letters Tet (ט) and Vav (ו), which together represent the number 15. While it is not a biblical holiday in the sense of requiring special Temple sacrifices or commanded observances, Tu B’Shvat has become a meaningful day for recognizing the cycle of nature and the importance of trees in Jewish life.

For 2025 calendar dates for the Jewish holidays, including Tu B’shvat, download this free bookmark here.

Tu B’Shvat in the Bible and Jewish Tradition

Although Tu B’Shvat itself is not mentioned explicitly in the Torah, the laws that gave rise to its observance are found in several passages, particularly in relation to agricultural commandments. One of the key Torah laws regarding trees states:

"When you come to the land and plant any kind of tree for food, you are to consider its fruit forbidden. For three years it will be forbidden to you—it is not to be eaten. Then in the fourth year all its fruit will be holy, for giving praise to Adonai. In the fifth year you may eat its fruit, so it may yield more produce for you. I am Adonai your God." — Leviticus 19:23-25 (TLV)

This commandment required the Israelites to wait before eating the fruit of a newly planted tree. The fourth-year fruit was designated as an offering of praise to God, and only in the fifth year could they freely consume the produce. To determine the correct age of a tree, the rabbis established a universal date—Tu B’Shvat—as the cutoff point for counting tree years, regardless of when they were planted within the previous year.

The Mishnah (Rosh Hashanah 1:1) further identifies Tu B’Shvat as one of four New Years in the Jewish calendar:

  1. Nisan 1 – The New Year for Kings and Festivals.

  2. Elul 1 – The New Year for the tithing of cattle.

  3. Tishrei 1 (Rosh Hashanah) – The New Year for counting years (civil calendar).

  4. Shevat 15 (Tu B’Shvat) – The New Year for Trees.

While the primary purpose of Tu B’Shvat was originally agricultural, over time (particularly in the 16th century) it has become viewed as a “Jewish Earth Day”.

Why is Tu B’Shvat Considered a "Rosh Hashanah"?

Rosh Hashanah literally means "Head of the Year," marking a new cycle or phase in time. Just as the familiar Rosh Hashanah in Tishrei marks the beginning of the civil and spiritual year, Tu B’Shvat marks the beginning of a tree’s fruit-bearing cycle.

This designation is not simply symbolic—it had legal implications in Biblical times. The tithes of agricultural produce in ancient Israel were separated according to whether they were grown before or after Tu B’Shvat. If a tree bore fruit before Tu B’Shvat, it belonged to the previous year’s tithing obligations; if after, it counted toward the next year.

But I don’t live in Israel?

For Jewish people living in Israel, Tu B’Shvat is closely tied to the land itself. It is a time to plant trees, celebrate the fertility of the soil, and recognize God’s blessings on the Promised Land. However, for Jewish people living in the Diaspora (outside of Israel), Tu B’Shvat takes on a different but equally significant meaning.

  1. A Connection to the Land of Israel
    For centuries, Jews in exile longed to return to the land of Israel. Tu B’Shvat became a way to maintain a connection to the land, even from afar. In modern times, many Jewish communities donate to organizations that plant trees in Israel, keeping the tradition alive even without physically being there.

  2. A Reflection on Environmental Responsibility
    As Jewish thought has evolved, Tu B’Shvat has taken on a broader environmental message. Many Jewish communities outside of Israel use Tu B’Shvat as an opportunity to discuss sustainability, conservation, and humanity’s responsibility to care for the earth. This is rooted in the biblical concept of Bal Tashchit ("Do not destroy"), which commands against wastefulness and environmental harm (Deuteronomy 20:19-20).

  3. Celebrating Israel’s Seven Species
    One of the most common ways Jewish communities outside of Israel observe Tu B’Shvat is by eating the Shiv’at HaMinim (Seven Species), which are special agricultural products of the land of Israel:

    • Wheat

    • Barley

    • Grapes

    • Figs

    • Pomegranates

    • Olives

    • Dates

    These foods serve as a tangible reminder of God’s provision and the blessings of the land of Israel.

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Appreciating Life Cycles

At its core, Tu B’Shvat is more than just an agricultural New Year—it is a moment to acknowledge God’s presence in creation, to appreciate the cycles of life, and to renew our commitment to honoring the land and its blessings. Whether in Israel or abroad, Tu B’Shvat remains a powerful reminder that our faith, like the trees, must be deeply rooted in order to bear good fruit.

As the prophet Jeremiah wrote:

"Blessed is the one who trusts in Adonai, whose confidence is in Adonai. For he will be like a tree planted by the waters, spreading out its roots by a stream. It has no fear when heat comes, but its leaves will be green. It does not worry in a year of drought, nor depart from yielding fruit." — Jeremiah 17:7-8 (TLV)

Even when physically distant from Israel, Jews around the world remain spiritually connected to the land, its heritage, and its promises. Tu B’Shvat continues to be a celebration of renewal, reminding us that just as trees are nourished by deep roots, we, too, are sustained by our faith, our history, and our connection to God’s creation.


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